Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry X'mas.. :P

Here's a funny Christmas story .. Its very popular and most probably u might have read already..
Any way.. starting.

It was coming up to Christmas and Tintu-mon asked his mum if he could have a new bike. She told him that the best idea would be to write to Santa Claus. But Tintu, having just played a vital role in the school nativity play, said he would prefer to write to the baby Jesus. And when he asked his mom about that, his mum told him that would be fine.

Tintu went to his room and took a nice white sheet paper and pencil and wrote,
'Dear Jesus, I have been a very good boy and would like to have a bike for Christmas.'

But he wasn't quiet happy with what he wrote, when he read it over. He read it over and over and he decided to try again and this time he wrote:
'Dear Jesus, I'm a good boy, most of the time and would like a bike for Christmas.'

He read it back and wasn't happy with that one either. So he tried a third version:
'Dear Jesus, I could be a good boy if I tried hard and especially if I had a new bike.'

He read that one too, but he still wasn't satisfied. So, he decided to go out for a walk while he thought about a better approach. After a short time he passed a house with a small statue of the Virgin Mary in the front garden. He crept in, stuffed the statue under his coat, hurried home and hid it under the bed. Then he wrote this letter.

'Dear Jesus, If you want to see your mother again, you'd better buy me a new bike.'

-- Attitude guys.... attitude !

Yesterday .. we decorated a new Xmas tree. Almost everyone enjoyed a bit time with that thing. The most interesting part of that was poping the baloons. It was fun..

And also i made a Xmas buddy with one of that ballons.. Here's the pic of em. He is sitting in the paper/pen holder. He's kida cute .. dont u think so ?? ;)


Writers Anonymous said...

That is exactly what is called attitude :)
Your balloon buddy is cute and fits in so nicely in the paper/pen holder...I hope he is not so mischievous as he seems to be...Merry Christmas! Have a great time ahead!

PhilO♥ said...

Merry Christmas to you :)
Hope you had a great time.

Shafi said...

Hai...Amritbir Kaur

Merry christmas to you too.. i know its late .. ;) still. christmas isn't over yet right..? :D

Shafi said...

hai.. Cursed♪♫

Whatsssup! you too....Merry Christmas. Nothing to say about great time yar. i got only two days off ! what to do..

Rahul Jain said...

wow.. nice story..
That boy was very cute to do that..

Anonymous said...
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Rahul Jain said...

Nice to hear from you too..

Time hi nahi milta yaar.. college se ghar.. ghar se college.. Life's like hell now

Viji said...

Hey Shafi, the baloon looks so adorable!

Wishing You A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year:-).

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