Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Situational show...

Year 2005, First year, second semester of my college life. Time : the class period (chemistry) just after lunch time.

I returned from my room as usually after having the lunch. Jishar and rafeek were getting ready to go to college. Mahesh has gone already on their bike. I took my seniors bike and went. Its already late and chemistry lecturer is already in the class. Now its my turn and I showed up with an excuse and got in to my seat. I was waiting for the others two guys hoping for a real show coz them being late to class.

The chemistry lect: started to open a bundle of papers. Every one in the class started praying. those papers are nothing but our answer sheet. He started to call one by one as roll numbers. Now I was getting worried. I know how well did i write the exam. I was getting more worried because jishar and rafeek is not showing up. We were together while we wrote the exam and I also know how well they wrote. U know, being roomates, we can say, none of us studied anything.

"Roll no 35 : jishar" Lect: called.
Everyone was looking at our bench. I used to sit in between both of them.
" Absent sir " I said.
"will he come ?" He is very concerned about the late coming habbit of us.!
" yeah.. they are coming. they are on their way "

He just went through the pages and that was only 3 pages, I can count that. He look at me and said " Tell ur friend to come and meet me at the staff room to get this paper". And he crushed those papers into a ball shaped thing and kept on the table.

He continued to next number. And finally reached Roll no 47. Thats my number.
Everyone started starring at our bench again. I looked at the Lect:, he was looking at me. When I walked to him Ican see he crushing my papers into another ball. I happly received it started walking back to my seat.

Roll number 48. Thats rafeeks number. I looked at the door. I could see any thing there. I said "Absent sir" . I heared some of the girls giggled.

"Come here and take this. Give to ur friend if he comes." I can see him crushing rafeeks paper into another ball as I walked to him. I was having my 'paper ball' on my right hand I had to receive it in my left hand. Now almost 40 % of the class was laughing and enjoying the show.

I quietly went back to my seat again. On half the way, he called me again. " Come here and take this also." He pointed the third paper ball, thats jishar's sitting on the table.

I went there and tried to pick it up using my fingers as i was already holding two paper each in each hand. Lect helped me and I hold it under chest and went to my seat.

The entire class was lauging like they never laughed. It took some time to settle down. I was in a moral dilemma whether to laugh or to go angry. Totally purplxed.,

"sir, may i come in " heared a voice at the door.
When the laughing was just about to settle down, there come the two great souls who made me a joker infront of the class. With a weired smile on their face, to cover up that they are late, with no damn idea what just happened here.

The only thing I could hear next is a burst of laugh which lasted for few minutes.
Even the Lect: was lauging that he could not say a single word. The staffs from next classrooms were peeping out to see whats happening. !!


WritingsForLife said...

ahh... happens :-)
Good one! Gave me the laughs! :-)

Writers Anonymous said...

What an interesting story...enjoyed every bit of it and had a hearty laugh at the end. Thanks for sharing.

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

I can see that happening in engineering days..happened with my frnds too :) good write up ji..

happy blogging :)

Shafi said...

@ Raaji

Hi _ Thank f0r coming. And again thanks for comments. :)

Shafi said...

@ Amritbir Kaur

Hi, I should thank you first for visiting my blog. :)

Shafi said...

@ Mahesh Sindbandge

Yeah man th0se days where Just AWS0ME

Swapna said...

This post took me back to my college days too. How I miss those days!

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