Its really cold out there. Nobody will say that time is mid-day. The climate was coolest one. fog and mist every where.

The walkaway one the hill side. the most amazing view point. But no luck its foggy out there. nobady cant see anything. so we started POSING for camera.

The hell of gang.... real hikers.

Echo point in the kodaikanal road. Here if u shout anything, it will be echoed very clearly wih defenite amount of lag. Tall trees are arranged in raws and coloums.... we spent one hour.. playing here.

this pic was taken just before visiting the hill side, another view point. But the problem here is that, we are on over own... no sidewalks, steps, saftey grills.... etc. just rough edge rocks and cliff to the other side.

This was taken from the echo point. The best one from this collection.


this is the last place we went. A beautiful place that is created by nature itself... no man made things are here. very very amazing... its like a artificial studio there. proper lighting.. sounds and everything. slow and stead water flowing from the rocks... oooww. look at those pictures..

The most amazing thing is that, we took around 3000 photos. these are just few of them

water is crystal clear... u would love to take a dip in it.

This is the last picture that we took. one camera was out of battery already. and this pic was taken by rafeek. then he droped the camera in the water....ice cold water. and thats it..

one view from the road which leads to kodaikanal.. this is taken in the mid-day.
Looks like You had a "Blast" in this scorching summer:-)! Enjoy Maadi!
Yeah .. u were absolutly right.. thanks for ur visit Viji
U r right. Ur gang definitely rocks...One thing me and my girl friends are yet to do is plan a trip and go there...lol
But nice pics...Keep it up..Enjoy ur tours
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